Connect your Object Oriented Programming to the Real Life

Narendra Harny
4 min readJan 30, 2024


OOPS concepts are real object-based and this is how we can imagine and connect our object-oriented programming with real life.

Photo by Andrew Ly on Unsplash

Dive into the essence of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) as we unravel the true object-based nature of these concepts. Join the exploration as I guide you on an imaginative journey, illustrating how you can seamlessly connect your coding endeavours with the intricacies of real-life scenarios.

It’s more than just programming — it’s about bringing the digital and tangible worlds into harmony through the lens of OOP.

In the extended realm of technology, A concept known as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) — is a kind of digital choreographer that orchestrates the dance of software applications. Despite its complex disposition, delving into the world of OOP discloses a captivating parallel with our everyday experiences. Imagine it as the backstage director, shaping the virtual scenes we interact with daily.

Your computer, smartphone, or any device you use is not just a random chaos of code. Instead, it’s structured and organized, much like how we naturally organize things in our daily lives. In the same way that we categorize our belongings, OOP allows programmers to organize code into neat, manageable parts called objects.

So, let’s embark on a journey where we decipher the code-speak and explore how the principles of OOP mirror the structures we encounter beyond the screen. It’s like finding the hidden blueprints that connect the digital world to the tangible threads of our reality. Get ready to unravel the intricate tapestry where the lines of code intersect with the fabric of our everyday lives.

Imagine a medication capsule — a small, protective vessel that shields the medicine inside from external elements. In the coding realm, encapsulation is akin to placing data and methods within a digital capsule called an object. This encapsulated object acts as a safeguard, concealing its internal workings.

Consider the parallels!!

In the real world, a capsule ensures the medicine is shielded, maintaining its potency. Similarly, encapsulation shields data and methods from unintended interference or modification in programming, promoting a secure and organized digital environment.

Much like how you access the medicine through a designated opening in a capsule, encapsulation in coding regulates external interactions through well-defined interfaces. It ensures controlled access, allowing only specified pathways for interactions with the encapsulated object.

Think of each medication capsule containing a specific dosage — it promotes modularity in treatment plans. In programming, encapsulation achieves a similar modularity by bundling specific functionalities within objects. This approach simplifies code design, making it easier to understand, maintain, and modify.

Just as a pharmaceutical capsule prevents medicine from interfering with other substances, encapsulation in programming prevents unintended interference between different parts of the code. It maintains the integrity of the overall program, much like the protective barrier in a medicine capsule.

In essence, just as you trust a physical capsule to deliver the right dose of medicine securely, programmers rely on encapsulation to create a well-organized, secure, and efficient digital code structure. It’s a digital encapsulation that mirrors the protective qualities we find in tangible, everyday experiences.

I found the people involved in various kinds of business and they live within the connecting network of their daily business with reality. So whyn’t we as programmers bring our coding problems onto the paradigm of the world and understand it with a basic sense? May the more complex coding problem look easy when we think in this direction.

Let me put it this way —

I consider a Human as an “Object “ and try to find two basic concepts of encapsulation for the Object Human.

Data wrapping into a single Unit & Data Hiding

It is most obvious that Humans as Objects a Units of millions of bio elements so the critical details of all elements of the human body are hidden and only necessary details are shown to the world which means nature follows the encapsulation this is the most beautiful example of Data wrapping into a single Unit & Data Hiding which beautifully implemented.

So can we list out the most important two members of the Class Human?
Yes, we can! I would say the first Brain and second Heart can be super most important parts of the Human class. I think as a Human class our primary goal should be to keep our Brain & Heart healthy superiorly.

Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash



Narendra Harny

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